Thursday we hung over the rail next to the beach after dinner, watching hundreds of lobos sprawled across the sand for the night. As we watched machos fighting each other we noticed our lobo from Sunday morning waddling up the beach, fishing lure still caught in the top of its mouth. The back end of the lure had managed to catch in the flesh of its chest, preventing it from being able to open its mouth or extend its neck to sleep. So, we went and found some rangers, who told us that if they tried to do anything they would lose their job, and furthermore, everyone was currently preoccupied with preparations for Carnival. We returned to the lobo, who had now attracted a crowd of gringos and a few locals, one of whom worked for INGALA, the local government. After some harassment by our dear Mexican native David, he pulled out a cell phone and put a call into animal control. And then we waited. Why, in a town that takes ten minutes to get from one side to the other, it should take almost an hour for a few guys to arrive in a pickup with a net, a 2x4 and a couple sets of pliers and wirecutters is beyond me. (But hey, we’re in Ecuador. It was probably a rapid response time.) Anyway, we had to give them props for knowing what they were doing. After netting the lobo three men pounced to hold it down, using the 2x4 as an aid to keep its head still while the fourth member of the group took all of a minute and a half to rid the lobo of the lure. After the first attempt to free lobo from the net failed, knives came out, the net was cut, and the lobo scrambled down the beach, swing his neck round and around, enjoying his newfound freedom. We then to dropped into the bar next door to check out a few of our local friends’ band, Arkabuz (World’s Worst Wireless prevents me from checking out their website,, but pull it up if you’re interested). The next couple hours were spent dancing to Galapaguean rock and pop before I cut out early to walk home around 1:00 am and begin work on a powerpoint due the next morning on kleptoparasitism in frigatebirds.
Dear male citizens of San Cristóbal,
Seriously, haven’t you noticed that ceaseless cat calls, hissing, and wolf whistles get you absolutely nowhere? I will hit low. Don’t believe me? Ask the guy who did his best to chat me up as I walked home at three in the morning and kissed me full on when we parted directions. You, there. You are an old man who does not appear to have showered in a week. No, I will not dance with you. Hey, ripped 30-year-old. You’re fun to hang out with, when you’re not drunk. Thanks for the tequila shots, but I’m not going home with you. Hey, bizarre 31-year-old who hangs out on the beach a lot. We call you Vagisil because we can’t pronounce your name. No, I am not your angel. Weren’t you supposed to go back to Guayaquil last week? Pancho: I’ve said hi to you an entire three times, during two of which you asked quite persistently to go home with me and offer companionship in my house. During one of which you interrupted the climax of a discussion about hauling dead people out of the woods (not that you had any idea, but still). I’m not stupid; you can ask to take a photo with me and a blonde friend “to remember,” but we’re well aware by the way you’re yanking us into your body that you just want a shot with a couple chicks from the EEUU. Pass the message along to your friend, too. Por favor. And Friend of Some Friends from last night: just because you passed around an unnamed plant in a roll of paper and followed me around like a duckling for the last hour does not mean I am going to make out with you. No matter how gently and nicely you insist. No, Lo siento, No quiero, Chao, Adios, Goodbye, Keep walking.
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